Species diversity and habitat of wildlife in Ciherang Kehati Park, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Gunawan H, Rosyidi A, Manurung R, Putri MM, Sugiarti. 2022. Species diversity and habitat of wildlife in Ciherang Kehati Park, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 53-61. Ciherang Kehati Park is a green open space that functions to save native threatened plant species in PT Tirta Investama's factory environment in Bogor, West Jawa, Indonesia. Ciherang Kehati Park was established in 2006 with plants that continue to increase diversity. This study aims to inventory and identify wild animals' species andevaluate their habitat in Ciherang Kehati Park. Indice Ponctuel d’Abondance methods were used for bird inventory, transect and patch sampling methods for amphibian, hand-capturing method for reptile, and line transect for mammals inventory. Direct observation was conducted to evaluate the habitat diversity. As a result, we identified 42 species of wildlife with diversity index of 3.318, evenness index of 0.888 and species richness index of 7,862. Birds are the most common species in this area, reaching 25 species (59%) of all animal species recorded, while there are five species of mammals, seven species of reptiles, and five species of amphibians. The high diversity of wildlife species is possible because there are five types of habitats in the Kehati Park and its surroundings: river habitats, riparian habitats, vegetation of Kehati Park, rice fields, and the yards of residents.


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