Hunter-gatherers' coping strategies on climate change and prospect in Iramba and Mbulu Districts, Tanzania




Abstract. Shadrack S, Mwalilino JK. 2022. Hunter-gatherers' coping strategies on climate change and prospect in Iramba and Mbulu Districts, Tanzania. Intl J Trop Drylands 6: 77-89. The study intended to establish community perceptions of climate change, assess the extent of food availability and stability, and identify Hadzabe's food insecurity coping strategies toward climate change. The study was arranged in five villages in Iramba and Mbulu Districts, Tanzania: Yaedachini, Mongo wa Mono, Kipamba, Munguli, and Domanga. Furthermore, to collect data, the cross-sectional technique was used. Next, purposive and simple random sampling was used to obtain 100 respondents. Next, data were analyzed using computer programs and content analysis methods. Finally, descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were computed. This study revealed that people had experienced climate change that led to chronic food insecurity. However, the Hadzabe have developed different coping strategies to mitigate this situation. The most used coping strategies included: relying on food from the government and NGOs, migrating to the area with food, borrowing food and selling labor, eating foods that have not been used before, and engaging in petty business. In Hadzabe, the dependence on wild food and lack of food storage facilities and habits were identified as the main contributing factors to food insecurity. The study concluded that there is a need to improve the coping capacity of the Hadzabe to strengthen their coping strategies and to recognize the importance of forest resources in supporting the Hadzabes' livelihoods to improve food availability and stability. This study recommended long-term development measures such as training on crops, animal husbandry, and modern beekeeping.



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