Species diversity, richness, and conservation status of Pteridophyta in the karst ecosystem of Donorejo Forest, Kaligesing, Purworejo, Indonesia




Abstract. Pramudita DA, Armando MF, Rahmayani D, Afifah FN, Putri NRA, Hartanti AN, Safira RN, Mahajoeno E, Indrawan M, Nazar IA, Buot Jr IE, Setyawan AD. 2023. Species diversity, richness, and conservation status of Pteridophyta in the karst ecosystem of Donorejo Forest, Kaligesing, Purworejo, Indonesia. Intl J Trop Drylands 7: 16-25. Pteridophyta is often used as an environmental bioindicator. It can be found anywhere because of its cosmopolite ability. Karst ecosystem is one type of Pteridophyta habitat and roles as a pioneer plant. This study aims to determine Pteridophyta's biodiversity and conservation status in Donorejo Forest, Kaligesing, Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia. The data collection of Pteridophyta species was carried out by survey method. Furthermore, the species found were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener species Diversity Index (H'), Margalef Species Richness Index (Dmg), and Evenness Species Index (E). The research found 1387 individuals from 14 families and 34 species. Then, from the analysis that has been carried out using the calculation of tree indices, the following results are obtained; Shanon-Wiener Index (H') = 2.53, Margalef Species Richness Index (Dmg) = 4.56, Evenness Species Index (E) = 0.72. Selaginella plana (Desv. ex Poir.) is the most dominant in the area. From its conservation status, there are two species in LC (Least Concern) under IUCN conservation status, namely Pteris vittata L. and Sphaeropteris glauca (Blume) R.M.Tryon., while the rest are in NE status (Not Evaluated). Moreover, the CITES found one species under Appendix II status, S. glauca. Those biodiversity indices showed that Donorejo Forest has a stable, productive, and complex ecosystem with moderate biodiversity, a high value for Margalef Species Richness Index (Dmg), and an Evenness Species Index (E). At the same time, it faces threats from dominant species and local community activity. This study result can be used for diversity assessment, especially karst land ecosystems, and for further research to make the appropriate conservation strategy.



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