Modeling suitable habitats of Edible-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) to support ecotourism in karst ecosystem of Karang Bolong, Kebumen, Indonesia




Abstract. Wibowo AA, Ningrum FU. 2023. Modeling suitable habitats of Edible-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) to support ecotourism in karst ecosystem of Karang Bolong, Kebumen, Indonesia. Intl J Trop Drylands 7: 112-119. The karst ecosystem plays a vital role as a habitat for the Edible-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus (Thunberg, 1812)) (synonym: Collocalia fuciphaga) due to the availability of caves for roosting sites. Additionally, factors such as vegetation cover and drought influence the presence of A. fuciphagus in karst ecosystems. Karang Bolong in Kebumen, Indonesia is identified as a karst ecosystem inhabited by A. fuciphagus. However, there is limited information regarding potential suitable habitats for this species. This study aimed to model the potential habitat for A. fuciphagus using Species Distribution Modeling, considering vegetation cover variables represented by NDVI and drought represented by NDMI. The habitat suitability was assessed using the AUC metric, with values ranging from 0.875 to 0.968, indicating a good model fit for depicting potential habitats for the species. In Karang Bolong, the suitability of habitats was constrained by drought conditions. The model suggests suitable habitats are concentrated in caves along the Kebumen Coasts. This information is valuable for identifying areas suitable for ecotourism and providing an alternative to swiftlet nest cultivation/harvesting. Regarding ecotourism activities, birding and observing Edible-nest Swiftlets in their natural coastal habitats, featuring scenic coastal views, could be attractive options to support the tourism industry within the karst ecosystems of Karang Bolong and Kebumen.



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