Biophysical land evaluation for Cavendish banana (Musa spp.) intensification in Pulivendula Tehsil, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India




Abstract. Bhaskar BP, Kumar SCR, Ramanappa RV. 2024. Biophysical land evaluation for Cavendish banana (Musa spp.) intensification in Pulivendula Tehsil, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Intl J Trop Drylands 8: 1-13. The study is being conducted in Pulivendula, a drought-stricken area in the Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India, to protect the agroecosystems from unpredictable seasonal rainfall and soil degradation. The study includes agro-climatic data, geopedological information, and a delineation of drip irrigation zones for bananas. Rainfall data from the past 21 years shows that the region receives an average rainfall of 650 mm per year, with seasonal droughts from June to September. The productivity statistics for bananas in the region show a compound growth rate of 3.8% per year, but it is considered a marginal zone due to the mean annual rainfall of 672.15±111.55 mm. The soil map was generated with 43 soil mapping units from twenty-five soil series classified under the subgroups of Entisols (4.1% of total area), Inceptisols (35.5%), Alfisols (4.8%), and Vertisols (23.3%). Overall, the mildly to strongly alkaline soils are grouped into five depths and eight textural groups, having high to very high cation exchange capacity, low organic carbon, and mean clay of 39.64±14.25%. The study found that 35% of the area had a high risk of soil erosion due to poor soil quality. Twenty soil mapping units in the interhill basin are evaluated as suitable for bananas, whereas they are moderately suitable for soils in colluvio-alluvial plains. Thirty-five thousand hectares of land are suitable for banana production under drip irrigation with biophysical limitations of rooting depth, topography, coarse fragments, alkalinity, and organic matter.



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