Agricultural innovations and adaptation strategies among upland communities in the state boundary of Kupang District (Indonesia) and Oecusse Enclave (East Timor)




Abstract. Ngongo Y, Markus JER. 2020. Agricultural innovations and adaptation strategies among upland communities in the state boundary of Kupang District (Indonesia) and Oecusse Enclave (East Timor). Trop Drylands 4: 51-57. The policy pledge of ‘development started from the periphery’ has been implemented as a new paradigm of national development in Indonesia. Agricultural Ministry translated this national policy by implementing several programs and one of them is promoting agricultural innovations to boost agricultural production and rural development in the state boundary. This paper elaborates on agricultural innovations being introduced and adaptations of local people towards harsh climate and to protect natural resources in the state boundary of Kupang District of Republic of Indonesia and Oecusse enclave of Republic Democratic of Timor Leste (East Timor). Data and information are used mainly from the on-going program of Agricultural Innovation Support (AIS). Some insights of similar programs implemented in the three other districts of Timor that share borderlines with East Timor have also been used to enrich the narratives. The study shows that agricultural innovation being introduced has successfully been adopted by co-operators, however, it has limited impacts on the surrounding farmers/villages due to farmers' poor access to the external inputs market, and agricultural extensions. This implies that agricultural innovations should consider farmers’ circumstances, particularly harsh climate of the region, and it should compatible with household calendar both in farming and off-farming particularly in honey harvesting. Traditional beekeeping by Amfoang community demonstrates how local people maintain one of the important sources of their livelihoods and at the same time protect natural resources. Recognizing and supporting customary law on honey harvesting helps protect forests and biodiversity in Amfoang and Timor in general.



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