Effect of donor plants and rooting medium on stem cutting propagation of faloak (Sterculia quadrifida)
Abstract. Rianawati H, Siswadi. 2020. Effect of donor plants and rooting medium on stem cutting propagation of faloak (Sterculia quadrifida). Trop Drylands 4: 31-35. Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br.) is a semiarid species and an important medicinal plant from Sterculiaceae family. This species is threatened by overexploitation and low seed production, reducing its population in the wild. Thus, planting is necessary to conserve this species, but limited knowledge exists regarding its propagation. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of donor plants and rooting medium on stem cutting propagation of S. quadrifida. The stem cuttings from S. quadrifida seedlings/juvenile (3.7-8.5 mm in diameter) and S. quadrifida trees/mature plants with two different size of diameter, small diameter (5.8-13.8 mm) and large diameter (15.4-24.4 mm), were planted in three various growth medium (soil, soil+manure of 1:1 ratio, and coco peat). The result showed that the survival rates of stem cuttings from juvenile donor plants and mature plants with large diameter were higher (15%-25%) than the survival rate of mature cuttings with small diameter (0%-5%). However, the rooting medium had no significant effect on the survival rate of stem cutting. Additionally, variables measured at the end of the observation, such as the number of roots/cutting, root length, number of nodes, number of leaves, leaf size were not significantly different among the survived stem cuttings from different treatments.
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