The rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) chromosomes
Abstract. Putri IIS, Yuniastuti E, Parjanto. 2022. The rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) chromosomes. Biodiversitas 23: 2196-2202. Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is an annual plant with a wide distribution, it generates this plant to have diversity. The diversity is more often found in morphological characters, in this case, its genetics has not been discovered. The genetics of rambutan could also be indicated by its chromosome karyotype. This research was conducted using the squashing method. The genetic material used was four rambutan varieties which are: Ace, Binjai, Lebak Bulus, and Rapiah. For each variety, the study process will be repeated three times. The results of the study showed rambutan chromosome number in all varieties was 22 chromosomes (2n=22) with an average chromosome size of Ace was 1.777±0.363 µm, followed by Binjai was 1.477±0.392 µm, Lebak Bulus was 1.418±0.320 µm, and Rapiah was 1.443±0.315 µm, and the chromosome shape is metacentric. The karyotype formula obtained was 2n=2x=22=11m.
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