Morphological and molecular characterization of maize lines tolerance to drought stress




Abstract. Amzeri A, Badami K, Santoso SB, Sukma KPW. 2022. Morphological and molecular characterization of maize lines tolerance to drought stress. Biodiversitas 23: 5844-5853. The early step in assembling varieties with early maturity, high productivity, and resistance to drought stress is to carry out morphological and molecular characterization among lines resistant to drought stress. The research aimed to characterize the morphology and molecular characteristics of maize lines resistant to drought stress to develop breeding and cultivation programs. The research used a randomized complete block design with twenty genotypes (maize lines) as treatment and three replicates. A total of 57 morphological characters and seven RAPD primers were used to assess the relationship based on morphological characters and RAPD markers. The results showed that the similarity coefficient based on the morphological characters was 0.69-0.97, while the similarity coefficient based on the RAPD marker was 0.64-0.95. The phenotypic diversity coefficient (PDC) was greater than the Genotypic Diversity Coefficient (GDC) in all observed quantitative characters. The broad sense heritability values of the tested maize lines ranged from 0.83 to 0.99. Production per hectare was significantly positively correlated with eight tested quantitative characters. G1 and G15 were the genotypes that can be used as parents to assemble hybrid maize varieties, while G10, G11, G16, and G17 could be used as maize for cultivation programs.


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