Flowering and fruit quality characteristics in some seeded and seedless pummelo cultivars
Abstract. Kalsum U, Susanto S, Junaedi A, Khumaida N, Purnawawati H. 2021. Flowering and fruit quality characteristics in some seeded and seedless pummelo cultivars. Biodiversitas 22: 379-386. Most of the pummelo cultivars with seeds, while other parts of it are seedless. Each cultivar is thought to have his characteristics. This study aimed to obtain more detailed information related to the difference in flowering characteristics and fruit quality of seeded and seedless pummelo cultivars. This experiment used a randomized block design with four treatments, i.e., seeded pummelo (Adas Duku and Bali Merah 1) and seedless pummelo (Bali Merah 2 and Jawa 1). The results showed an irregular pattern in the flowering and harvesting period in both the seeded and seedless groups. Adas Duku blooms twice whereas Bali Merah 1 and the two cultivars of the seedless group bloom only once a year. The highest total flower number from the four cultivars was Adas Duku and followed by Jawa 1>Bali Merah 1>Bali Merah 2. Seeded pummelo was not significant difference with seedless pummelo on several variables, except the total titrable acidity (TTA) content (seeded group > seedless group). Adas Duku became the best cultivar compared to the other three cultivars in several characteristics, such as the lowest peel thickness, the highest in the edible portion, the total soluble solids (TSS) and TTA of flesh fruit.
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