Physiological responses of scleractinian corals in marginal habitat
Abstract. Polapa FS, Werorilangi S, Ali SM, Jompa J. 2021. Physiological responses of scleractinian corals in marginal habitat. Biodiversitas 22: 4011-4018. This study aims to analyze physiological differences in corals in marginal habitats. Under different conditions, the production/respiration (P/R) ratio and photobiology of various coral genera were compared. Samples were taken from three coral reef zones representing typical reef habitats and from the mangrove ecosystem as a marginal habitat. Surveys revealed two coral genera surviving in extreme conditions (marginal habitat). The P/R ratio measurements indicated that corals living in the mangrove ecosystem tend to be heterotrophic. This was supported by observations of colonies with tentacles extended from the corallites. Furthermore, Porites living in the mangrove habitat consume more O2 directly than saving it for other purposes, such as growth. The genus Dipsastraea exhibited elevated zooxanthellae density in the mangrove ecosystem, whereas Porites exhibited similar densities in both ecosystems.
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